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Characteristics of Healthcare Managers - Essay Example

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"Characteristics of Healthcare Managers" is an exceptional example of a paper on the health system. Healthcare managers are the topmost leaders who hold the mandate to control every activity and oversee the facility's proper running. The success of the organization will all depend on the leadership style of these managers. …
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"Characteristics of Healthcare Managers" is an exceptional example of a paper on the health system.
Healthcare managers are the topmost leaders who hold the mandate to control every activity and oversee the facility's proper running. The success of the organization will all depend on the leadership style of these managers. Consequently, managers with poor leadership skills are likely to lead the facility astray and may not achieve the facility's vision and mission. They should collaboratively work with other professionals to improve the quality of delivering healthcare services. They are entitled to staying alert to the changes and new policies and healthcare standards that can enhance the quality of services. Besides, they ensure effective communication with the whole team in different departments. They also ensure effective management of finances in the facility and represent it in various sectors. Therefore, healthcare leaders need specific qualities that will help them succeed in performing these duties effectively. Within this context, this paper aims to describe the characteristics of healthcare managers and explain how these characteristics are different from a non-healthcare-related management position. 

Healthcare managers should have appropriate academic qualities and adequate working experience. Managing the healthcare industry requires proficient educational training. This educational training will enlighten the leader with adequate critical thinking and problem-solving skills that will help run activities in the organization. This will also help the leader lay a strong commitment to the assigned duties through the theories and concepts from the educational field. Academic training also helps the leader familiarize with the expectations required when one is in that position (Janati et al., 2018). Working experience in any healthcare industry field enlightens the individual with more skills and ideas on how to deal with healthcare issues. A healthcare manager should at least have a degree in healthcare management before accredited to work in any organization. This leader should also think of exploring and expanding his studies.

Healthcare leaders should have appropriate communication skills. Effective communication skills help to reduce medical err, misunderstandings, and miscommunication issues. Proper communication skills include written verbal and non-verbal communication. The manager should be able to communicate appropriately to other leaders in the various departments, with the community, and even the patient. It will also help the facility to engage patients effectively within the healthcare decision-making process. This will decrease the risk of complaints and convey information effectively and maintain the healthcare system. Healthcare managers should learn to listen carefully, understand the non-verbal communication of all staff, be clear when communicating, have confidence, be empathetic, and open-minded. This will also help them to learn more ideas from other leaders and managers of other organizations.

They should have excellent organizational skills. Healthcare managers should be able to organize the facility’s day-to-day operations. This includes monitoring all schedules, reviewing financial files, checking patients' complaints, and addressing them. They should be flexible and easy to adapt to a new phenomenon or changes suggested by the healthcare sector. Organizing the facility also involves developing appropriate relationships that enhance the running of the facility. The manager should be able to collaborate and coordinate activities effectively with the team members. This can include having training programs or community projects. They should also strategize and plan goals that are in line with the vision of the organization. Finally, within the organization, they should be able to solve conflicts and promote cohesion among the staff and even with the patients. 

Healthcare managers should be dependable and have strong character traits. Since they make most of the decisions in the organizations, they should be reliable and trustable. This will lead to the success of various activities they will conduct. This includes integrity, commitment, passion, trustworthiness, resilience, determination, delegation, and empathetical (Lopes et al., 2020). Behaving in the right manner will also help other staff to portray the same characteristics. They should be visionary and ensure everyday activities in line with the vision of the organization. They should be responsible for their personal goals to the organizational level. This makes them alert of what is expected of them and what they should do.

All managers tend to have the same qualities in managing various sectors. However, healthcare managers tend to be different from other managers because of the workload and sensitivity of the setting they are working in. The healthcare sector is unique and different because of its structure, different area of expertise that require various professionals. The mode of payment of the consumer is also different from that of other sectors. Management qualities of these leaders should be proficient and followed with clarity to reduce errs and patient risks (Dikic et al., 2020). There should be an analysis and evaluation within a regular timeframe to ensure the facility runs effectively.

In conclusion, healthcare managers should have effective communication skills, appropriate organizational skills, proper academic skills and experience, personal responsibility, and good character traits. This will lead to the success of the firm and achieving its vision. The healthcare system is different from other sectors because of its sensitivity. This is because of the different structures, organizations, and various expertise involved. Therefore, the leaders should manage the organization with high qualities that meet its demands.


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Characteristics of Healthcare Managers Health System Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words.
(Characteristics of Healthcare Managers Health System Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 Words)
Characteristics of Healthcare Managers Health System Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 Words.
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