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Effects of Medical Marijuana and Marijuana on the Brain System - Research Paper Example

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It is available in the forms of dried leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds. The resinous concentrate obtained from the plant is known as Hash Oil (NIH). Marijuana is an annual crop plant. It grows from seeds in open areas exposed…
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Effects of Medical Marijuana and Marijuana on the Brain System
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These compounds are called cannabinoids. The THC content varies according to the source of cannabis and its preparation (Ashton). Nonmedicinal effect of marijuana is the intoxication it can produce. Marijuana is rolled as cigarettes and smoked. The odor of the smoke is distinct, pungent, and sweet-and-sour. Marijuana is consumed along with food and its decoction is served as tea. All variants of marijuana produce initial excitement followed by depression (NIH). Marijuana is used in ayurveda for its medicinal properties.

Its derivatives act as analgesic, anti-inflammatory, hallucinogenic, and sedative. Marijuana is recommended in cancer chemotherapy as an antiemetic and for treating glaucoma. Marijuana plant in ayurveda is used for its hallucinogenic, hypnotic, sedative, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory properties. (Rajasekar). Medical marijuana or medical cannabis is available as leaves and flowering tops. Medical marijuana is a schedule I drug. Derivatives of cannabis or marijuana are in use for their medicinal actions in United States and Canada for a long time.

Such derivatives are dronabinol and nabilone that are schedule III and schedule II drugs respectively. Another derivative ‘nabiximol’ has not been approved by the USFDA (Borgelt, Franson and Nussbaum). The nature of formulation and patient’s character influence the pharmacological actions of cannabinoid compounds. The cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2 respond differently. The cannabinoid delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol exerts primary psychoactive actions. Cannabinoid derivatives dronabinol and nabilone are used for treating nausea and vomiting during cancer chemotherapy.

It is also given to patients suffering from anorexia due to acquired immune deficiency syndrome. Cannabis compounds are recommended for treating pain and muscle spasms (Borgelt, Franson and Nussbaum). More than 400 compounds are present in herbal cannabis. The plant genus cannabis contains more than 60

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